First of all, I apologize for my last message. I was particularly sad and disappointed. In fact, I had a meeting with my surgeon on January 15th, and he had to take my cast off. He told me I had to keep my cast one more week, to try to walk. Before my surgery he wanted me to go to a special hospital to do physiotherapy, everyday for 2 weeks, when I’ll take my cast off. During the meeting I told him it wouldn’t t be possible because nobody could take me there and bring me back home everyday. Then, he started getting angry and asked me if there was a medical center near my home, to do the physiotherapy there (the thing I don t understand it s why he didn’t t asked me that before, because it would have been more practical to do physiotherapy just next to my home). Anyway, he asked his assistant to call the closest medical center, to book a place for me as soon as there is one available. But I reminded my surgeon I had to leave in 2 weeks for La Reunion (on vacation), then he started yelling at his assistant, he told her stop trying to call the medical center, because they wouldn’t get a place for me before I leave. He yelled at me because, according to him, he didn’t t know I had to go to La Reunion so fast (that is not true because my mom and I told him about it, just after my surgery, and he even told me with a huge smile it would be good for me, that the sun and the sea would be advantageous for my recovery), and he even told me it would be my fault if the surgery wasn’t a success. He almost made me cry… He’s such a jerk, and a liar! My mom noticed I was panicked and sad because of what he said to me, she started fighting with him, telling him she could do the physiotherapy to me because she knows all the moves (I had physiotherapy for 20 years so we got used to it). This stupid surgeon left without telling us goodbye and he didn’t even give us a date for the next meeting, he, as most of surgeons, treats his patients as piece of meat. It’s pretty scary.
Fortunately, I made lots of efforts, and physiotherapy everyday with my mom, and I forced myself to walk (because it was freaking painful), and now I finally walk!! I just hitch a bit because it’s still a bit painful. But that fucking stupid surgeon was wrong; I did well, just thanks to my mom and myself, and I’m proud of that!
One week after getting my cast off, we flew to La Reunion. Damn, 11 hours in a plane, it’s so hard when you’re scared in it… I took a sleeping pill and I slept only 3 hours lol. But this airplane company (Air Austral) was pretty good, the best I ever tried, I recommend it. The food was delicious (and we all know it’s quite rare in an airplane), and the flight attendants were very friendly and polite.
Anyway, I visited my childhood friend (Claire), her son (Leo, 4) and her boyfriend (Bertrand), who live there now, and I was very happy to see them! We had a blast, we talked a lot, we played cards and board games almost every night haha and we visited a lot of wonderful places: The volcano Piton de la Fournaise (it’s amazing), an Hindu house of prayer, a Chinese house of prayer, a beautiful botanical garden, a huge aquarium (with tons of fishes from Indian ocean, we also saw seahorses!!)... We went to very interesting museums: the museum of the volcano, the museum of turtles, the museum of sugar cane… We saw real sea turtles (and 2 turtles making sex, aww disgusting), crocodiles, chameleons, cute lizards, wonderful waterfalls, colorful flowers …
We visited the following towns:
We really had a great time!!
Below this post, you can find another post introducing
At the end of our stay, the atmosphere was quite horrible because my girlfriend has serious relational problems with her boyfriend, we were embarrassed, so even if we had wonderful moments with them, we were happy to go back home. I really hope she will solve her problems.
Now it’s time to get back to work! The last time I worked was in 2004-2005, before going to NYC, it was an internship as marketing assistant and I really enjoyed it, I learned a lot! Now, it’s job hunting! I’d like to be a marketing manager or a marketing project manager, but I only got a bachelor’s degree, and to do these kind of jobs you need a master’s degree, it’s depressing lol, so right now I apply only to be a marketing assistant, but now, companies prefer interns as assistants, and I’m looking for a job, not an internship, so we’ll see. I’ve applied to the fashion/textile/cosmetic industry and also to the audiovisual industry, because that’s the fields that interest me the most. But I know it’s very hard to find a job in these kinds of sectors if you don’t know anyone who works there. If I don’t get any positive response in one month, I’ll apply to many other sectors. Please, cross your fingers, because I’m looking forward to working!! I’m active, and I really need to work!
Good news: My car is finally fixed!! Better late than never! And my parents offered me a scooter as new electrical wheelchair, and it rocks! I’ll be proud to ride it! And thanks to this and my car, I’m going to be much more independent! I’m going to get my scooter on Wednesday; I’m looking forward to having it!
Anyway, I won’t put up any photograph of my trip to La Reunion here, because I have too many, so here are 2 slide shows with some nice pics, and if you want to see more photographs, you can see them on facebook, on my myspace page and on my flickr page:
Here is the cutest baby girl ever, Scarlette, 3 months, who is the daughter of my friend Ilse. Isn’t she adorable?
I can’t leave you without telling you I’m so proud that Marion Cotillard (a very talented French actress) won an Oscar for the movie La Vie En Rose (the original title of this movie is La Mome, if you haven’t seen it yet, hurry up, it’s just gorgeous!)
PS : WARNING, I changed my MSN, I won’t use anymore, my new MSN login (and email account) is , normally I sent you a request to add me as a friend, if you didn’t accept it, don’t forget to add me again in your contact list. See ya online
You English is getting better and better. I'm proud of you <3 I really hope to see you soon, I'm actually thinking about coming to Paris to visit some museums (since it's free for teachers haha). What do you think?
Hey darling
Thank you, but I feel more comfortable in writing than in speaking ...
Please come to Paris, you're always welcome to my home, and I'd be happy to visit some museums with you, I'm not educated enough, I'm ashamed ...
Anyway come anytime !!I'm looking forward to seeing you!!And I have several singstar games!!! funfun ^_^
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